Alan's picture to feature in the London 2012 Festival

My image of the Seven Sisters is to feature in Peace Camp 2012, part of the London 2012 Festival, culminating in a series of encampments at various locations around the British coastline. Theatre director, Deborah Warner and actor Fiona Shaw are working in collaboration to produce a series of coastal installations, from Cornwall to Sussex and Wales, Northumberland, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

 "Designed to be visited between dusk and dawn, Peace Camp is a poignant exploration of love poetry and a celebration of the extraordinary variety and beauty of our coastline." Peace Camp 2012.

My image will advertise Cuckmere Haven, the nearest Peace Camp installation to the London 2012 Games. I expect the image to gain wide exposure, owing to the proximity to London. Peace Camp 2012 runs between 19th - 22nd July and entry is free.

Peace Camp 2012


Kasia Sokulska said…
Congratulations, Alan! It's a beautiful image and it totally deserves to be shown as a part of that project! :D
Martin Lower said…
Congratulations! Well deserved, as it's a fabulous image.
Alan MacKenzie said…
Thank you for your kind words. It's something to brighten my day. I look forward to seeing all the posters displayed around London and the south-east. The event itself sounds very interesting and I plan to attend.
Unknown said…
Congratulations!! You have done so well.

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