Bittersweet October
Earlier this year, I booked a second autumn holiday at the Old Manor House Pig Barn in the pretty Saxon hamlet of West Dean , East Sussex. Former Eastbourne hotelier and amateur archaeologist Julian Martyr runs three holiday cottages here, called the Dovecote Garden . The cottage is probably the oldest building I've stayed in, easily trumping the Lower Farm Cottages in Blockley and Whitewells in Herefordshire by at least three hundred years! Aside from photographing the already familiar Abbots Wood and Friston Forest, I had Brede High Woods and Camber Sands earmarked on the map; the unsettled weather that makes coastal photography so interesting, never materialised, so unfortunately I didn't make it to Camber Sands on this occasion. The first four days of my holiday was accompanied by thick fog; I've wanted to capture autumn woodland shrouded in fog for many years. Thanks to the proximity of Friston Forest, the misty glades were just a five minute walk away. The wet...