Queen of the Weald
I stood almost knee-deep in water as a band of torrential rain passed overhead. The clay-lined Low Weald, flooded many times over the summer months. I may be an outdoor person, but unlike the deer I had within my sights, I don't have to live outdoors. If it rains all summer — well, the deer are soaked right through all summer. If the temperature drops to -14°C in winter — well, the deer just have to eat and sleep in temperatures of -14°C. No wonder the average life expectancy of wild Roe deer is just seven years.
When the rain finally ceased, the deer wasted little time and emerged from their hedgerow hideaway to dry out in the open. I moved into place, clutching a very expensive 500mm lens, kindly lent to me, by Alex Lawrence. There she was. Beads of water, glistening in the evening light, swelled in circumference, before dripping off her face. The doe looked up, I took a few shots and quickly withdrew before my sudden appearance became disruptive.
