Sailing By

The starlings pleased themselves, as always, on Sunday afternoon, which was a shame, from our perspective, because the marmalade sky would have provided an ideal backdrop for the murmurations. The scene, although pleasing to the eye, lacked a strong focal point, until a yacht sailed by; using the sky and water as negative space, I placed the vessel in the desired location. Lines featuring in the sky and on the water are like brush strokes. Of note was the calm air, an unusual occurrence on the coast; Brighton and Hove is such a windy place. I told the photography student I met last Sunday about a storm last winter, which coincided with high tide. The sea and waves reached Kings Parade; a certain landscape photographer by the name of Finn Hopson was down there at 1.30am.

Jovian Sunset

Bloody Mary (Chosen by top-secret computer algorithm to feature in Explore, among 499 others of variable quality. Reaches for Buckfast Tonic Wine and chipped teacup)


Martin Lower said…
Absolutely gorgeous! I thought the top one was the best, but now I'm not so sure...

How goes the book?
Alan MacKenzie said…
It's a close call, but I'm not too concerned which is best. I like them both, which is not something Chris Packham would ever approve of! He thinks satisfaction is a hindrance to progress; I think low self-esteem is a hindrance to Chris Packham appreciating his lovely photographs.
Alan MacKenzie said…
Sorry, Martin, forgot to read your final sentence. I received the proof copy of my book two weeks ago and the project only looks half complete. It'll be another winter, spring and summer before it is ready.

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