Best Photographs of Spring 2013

This is a showcase of my finest spring images, taken over the course of one week in East and West Sussex. Many thanks, once again, to Alex Lawrence for lending me the Canon EF 500mm f/4 L IS USM lens, without which, many of the following images would never have existed. A crate of real ale is heading in the direction of his fridge.

I took the first image on the High Weald. I caught the attention of a curious Roe buck when he heard my camera shutter. Since I did not exhibit any alarming behaviour, the deer had few reservations about coming over to investigate. I prefer to visit woodlands with few human visitors; the natural curiosity of Roe deer comes to the fore, when the only humans they encounter are quiet people, out to enjoy the peace of the countryside.

Bluebells are easy to photograph, but difficult to photograph well. These spring flowers carpet forests in northwestern Europe during spring. They are so overwhelmingly beautiful, that photographers can lose sight of the artistic elements required to translate a visually stunning scene into a great image. I took great care in capturing the first, on the High Weald and the second in Nate Wood, near Polegate. Only through skill and experience can one be carried along by euphoria and simultaneously capture great bluebell photographs. I saw Roe deer again in West Sussex. They were quite at ease with observing me, from the apparent safety of the trees. Uncoiling ferns, are an elegant reminder of how nature can mimic design. Ferns inspired the late Karl Blossfeldt to create timeless black and white prints.

Camber Sands, on the East Sussex/Kent border is a 55 mile journey from where I live. The landscape consists of soft, fine grained sand and Marram grass. At times, Camber Sands resembles the surface of Mars, especially when sand is whipped up and carried along by high winds. By the end of a rather cold and blustery Friday evening, I had a coating of sand all over my skin and clothes. An anonymous donor left several pound coins on the dunes, which were put to good use in Rye, feeding a windswept photographer with a bag of chips and a pint of beer.

Roe deer



Fern      Uncoiling Ferns

Gate in Friston Forest

Camber Sands

Camber Sands Swirls    Camber Sands Fence    Camber Sands Ridge

Camber Sandstorm


Martin Lower said…
Fantastic images, Alan. Although you tell us these are recent, they seem a little difficult to reconcile with the weather we're having at the moment!
Any news on the book?
Alan MacKenzie said…
Thank you, Martin. Fortunately, I took these before the weather turned foul. I had a proof copy of the book printed late last year, but the content was thin on the ground. I'll have to compile more nature images before going ahead with a book.
Unknown said…
Really great photos Alan! Your photos show always something spectacular that captures me! Waiting for the book, too! =)
Alan MacKenzie said…
Thanks, Marco. Glad to be of inspiration!

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