The Right Place at the Right Time

The price of being in the right place at the right time is being in the wrong place at the wrong time, hundreds of times. On occasions, everything comes together, making photographs stand out. It's not about "having a good camera" or pressing a button. Anyone can kick a football, but If I exchanged my camera for a pair of boots and ran out onto the pitch, the team wouldn't keep a clean sheet for very long. 

I've been thinking about posting my stand-out photos on one page for some time now, but the time hasn't been right, until now. Late summer and early autumn is not a very productive time for wildlife photographers. The growing season is finished; high vegetation obscures small mammals from view. Until the appearance of brilliant colours and starling murmurations in late autumn, my choices will be limited. I hope you will join me in looking back at some of my better photographs taken over the last few years.

Feeding Frenzy on Brighton Beach - BEST VIEWED LARGE

Star-ti-ling Sunset

Starling Murmuration, Brighton


Starling Murmuration

Adder in Friston Forest

Roe deer doe, South Downs National Park

Roe deer, Pyecombe

Night picture of the Chattri in December Snow

Orange Margarita

Seven Sisters

Fly me to the moon


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