Refugees of Winter

Sunset in early June is at 21:10 and looking back, it's hard to imagine how I survived the mid-afternoon sunsets of December. Brighton is 50.84° north of the equator and night descends gradually over the space of one hour. After the sun set at Fulking Escarpment, I walked a few miles to the bus stop and it was still quite light by the time I arrived. On the way, I heard two baby Roe deer talking to each other and their mother in a field. Their call is high pitched and very rarely used, so it was a great privilege to be among the few people who have heard it. The temperature on Sunday reached 22°C, but it felt like early April on a Wednesday visit to the Seven Sisters. I prefer to shoot landscapes when the weather is unsettled. Picnic weather is good for wildlife photography. I'm glad to have the choice between two genres.

Rabbit and Daisies

Rabbit in Meadow

Roe Buck

Fulking Escarpment

Heavy Showers, Seven Sisters

Seven Sisters, mid-summer


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