
Showing posts from November, 2015


A crowd had gathered around a washed up Guillemot on Brighton beach. Frequent storms during winter 2014 weakened many sea birds, causing them to get stranded on beaches around the English coast. Many casualties were covered in oil. Rather than use their initiative and find a solution, the bystanders faffed about. Some filmed the bird on their smartphones; others talked at length about doing something, but then failed to act. Humans may think they have freewill, but it is well established that they behave in highly predictable ways, especially when in groups. It is common for people in a group or a crowd to ignore a str icken person or animal and carry on regardless . This phenomenon is called the diffusion of responsibility . It happens regardless of personality, culture or socio-economic status. We are all capable of walking past someone who has collapsed in the street. I decided to phone the RSPCA. In the meantime, a man stood by, idly allowing his son to threaten and throw ...

BRIGHTON & HOVE CALENDAR 2015 (and 2016)

I'm pleased to say my photo of the starling murmurations features in this month's Brighton and Hove Calendar. O ne of my sunflower images will feature as t he main picture for June... in the Brighton & Hove Calendar 2016 . It is currently for sale in Churchill Square, Brighton at a stall near Zara. It is also available to buy online or at Brighton Photography, 52-53 Kings Road Arches, Brighton, BN1 2LN.


Autumn is always a busy time for me. Not only does autumn produce a rich palette of colours, it is my last chance to enjoy the outdoors in comfortable temperatures and reasonable daylight hours, before the short, dreich days of winter. This year's locations include Friston Forest, a small woodland on the Sussex/Kent border and a private estate on the High Weald, which is adjacent to one of my favourite forests in Sussex. I enjoyed watching Fallow deer from afar, while they were taking part in the rut. The deep, belching groans from bucks could be heard from all parts of the estate. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any photos worthy of being shown. The estate is a hive of activity, as the owners are building a country house in the grounds. My week off coincided with half term and deer in the neighbouring forest were frightened off by incoherent sounds from dogs, children and adults who are several decades from reaching maturity. I like to photograph a particular woodland...

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