
Showing posts from June, 2018

Gateway to Sussex

I've been fixated with a beautifully appointed rustic gate on the South Downs for several years now. An adjacent tree casts deep shadows, as dapples of evening sunlight appear over the aged wood. You can open it up and walk down the hill to be greeted with the most wonderful view of the South Downs. In summer, the meadow is teeming with butterflies and orchids. It's a wonderful place to go and relax after a hard day's graft.  The farmer drove up the field to say hello and asked if I was a student. I thanked him for assuming I must be young enough to be at university. Guesses of my age are often woefully out, ranging from a child reckoning I was 9, to a couple of chaps hazarding 48 and 57 respectively. No wonder Specsavers has an annual turnover of £1.7 billion. I'll settle for 21, if that opens gates for me socially.  I took the 2nd picture back in May using my 500mm lens and revisited the site over 9 evenings this month. The 3rd image has an extremely shallow ...

Fairies of the Meadow

Somewhere in West Sussex is an enchanting meadow, concealed from sight and unchanged for centuries. Early morning or late evening walkers are almost guaranteed to see elegant little Roe deer grazing in the fields. I've been visiting this wonderful place for several years and I always take time off to see the deer in early summer. It would be unfortunate if this yearly activity was placed at risk in any way, as Roe can only tolerate a limited amount of attention from interested parties. In my younger, naive days, I openly advertised the location on the web, which has had long-term consequences. Ultimately, these sensitive animals could be repelled from the site and no-one wants that to happen. I've worked relentlessly hard during my time off to produce this work. Being a wildlife photographer without a car requires a lot of effort, good fitness and plenty of patience. The meadow hosts a variety of pests, including deer ticks, mosquitoes, horseflies and midges. My equipment ...

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