
Showing posts from February, 2019

Snowy January Night in Brighton

Although heavy snow was forecast on the evening of January 31st 2019, it seemed that Brighton was once again going to miss out. Having seen the rainfall radar, I was on the verge of giving up my planned walk around the city, but large snowflakes began falling at 8pm, so I put on my down jacket and headed for an area of urban parkland called The Level. The UK has mild winters for its high latitude and therefore snow and ice is a novelty for most people. The mercury dropped to -6 °C this morning, but s pare a thought for the residents of Fargo, North Dakota, who suffered a brutal -37 °C on Wednesday.  I spent four hours outside, but the wet snowflakes eventually caused my down jacket to lose its loft. The jacket and my camera are now being warmed and dried by my dehumidifier and two bottles of Citra beer are currently working their way through my central nervous system. I hope this isn't the last snowfall of the winter. We still have February.  

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