Brighton - Global Climate Strike - September 20th 2019

Bright perky young people, far more intelligent than adults, gathered in their thousands on Hove Lawns and across the globe today, to demand action from world leaders over the climate emergency. Business-as-usual greenhouse emissions will mean these young people will reach old age in a world on average between 4°C - 5°C hotter than 1850 levels. Since this is a projected average, many landmasses away from coastlines will be experience higher temperatures. Parts of Africa will become uninhabitable. The climate of southern Europe will be more like north Africa today. The Amazon rainforest is expected become a dusty savannah. Rising sea levels will inundate Pacific islands. Scientists expect the arctic to be ice free in summer between 2030 and 2050, while droughts, wildfires and floods are set to ravage North America, Europe and Australia. It is feared that methane gas from melting tundra will drive positive feedback loops, hindering our ability to control dangerous global heating. These disasters will in turn lead to mass migration of people to more habitable regions. The world will struggle to feed and water its people, animals and crops. Wars will decide who, if any of us, get to control dwindling and unreliable resources.
In the last few years, the world has witnessed the mildest effects of global heating. 2018 was the hottest English summer on record. To our children, it is likely to be one of the coolest summers of their lifetimes. Hurricane Dorian wreaked devastation across the Bahamas, reportedly killing thousands, as the decreasing circulation of global winds slows the forward progression of tropical storms to a crawl. Parts of Siberia and Alaska became so dry in summer 2019, that massive forest fires are likely to burn until autumn, while already drought-riven south Australia is entering spring with the prospect of yet another scorched earth killer summer. Don't be fooled by the pleasant side-effects of global heating. Award-winning English Pinot noir and disingenuous newspaper reports of beach-goers 'having fun' in the sweltering heat are actually signs that all is not well.

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youth strike 4 climate brighton youthstrike4climatebrighton youthstrike4climate